I have been developing various apps for the Ledger Nano S, a cryptocurrency hardware wallet and cryptonerd's Swiss Army knife. I will be providing downloads for the compiled versions of all of my apps here. The source code for these applications is also available on my GitHub profile.

I no longer actively maintain these apps, but I'll continue to host them here for anyone who wants to download them.


In order to load these applications onto your Leger Nano S, you will need to install Ledger's Python tools. Next, download the app's hex file and run the installation command listed on the app's download page.



Latest Version: v1.0.0

Platforms: Ledger Nano S (firmware v1.3.1)

See: Source Code and Version History

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This application implements an HMAC-based one-time password algorithm (specifically RFC 4226) commonly used for second factor authentication. Popular implementations of this standard are the Google Authenticator and Authy mobile apps.

The current version of the app only supports HOTP which is 2FA with a counter (not time-based). Future versions will support time-based OTPs as well as a feature to back up 2FA keys.

Seed Utility App



Latest Version: v1.0.1

Platforms: Ledger Nano S (firmware v1.3.1)

See: Source Code and Version History

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This application allows you to enter the backup of your 12, 18, or 24 word BIP 39 mnemonic seed into the device to verify that the backup is correct.

Future versions of this app will also support features like securely splitting seeds using Shamir's Secret Sharing and creating encrypted backups of seeds that can be stored on the device or saved onto a computer.

Snake App


Latest Version: v1.0.3

Platforms: Ledger Nano S (firmware v1.3.1)

See: Source Code and Version History

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This application is an implementation of the popular game Snake for the Ledger Nano S. The main purpose of this app is to stress-test the MCU - SE link in the Nano S, but also to keep you occupied while you're waiting for your bitcoin transactions to be confirmed ;).